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Advanced Sailing Modules

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Coastal Navigation Module

Advanced Sailing Prerequisite: None

This module is for the advanced sailor, who wants to cruise or yacht charter. This course provides three 4-hour onshore classes in navigation.
Topics include:

  • Chart Reading
  • Tide
  • Currents
  • Anchoring
  • Docking
  • Instrument Use
Cost: $565.00
Duration: Three 4-hour Sessions
Certification: Coastal Navigation (ASA 105)
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Intermediate Coastal Cruising Module

Advanced Sailing Prerequisite: Successful completion of Basic Keelboat Sailing and Basic Coastal Cruising modules. Navigation module recommended.

This course provides the knowledge you need to cruise safely along coastal waters during the day in moderate weather. You will live aboard our full-sized sailboat and sleep onboard at anchor during the night. This is a 2-day and 1-night course. This cruise teaches all the fundamental skills needed to charter and cruise successfully, including entering unfamiliar harbors, anchoring, sail handling, dinghy use, boat systems and more.

Cost: $1,475.00
Duration: 2 days and 1 night, live aboard
Certification: Bareboat Charter (ASA 104)
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Advanced Coastal Cruising Module

Advanced Sailing Prerequisite: Successful completion of Basic Keelboat Sailing, Basic Coastal Cruising, Navigation and Intermediate Coastal Cruising modules.

This course provides the knowledge necessary to cruise safely along coastal waters day and night in any weather. Designed for the advanced sailor who wants to cruise or yacht charter. Course requires a three days, two nights live aboard.
Topics include:

  • Chart Reading
  • Tide
  • Currents
  • Anchoring
  • Docking
  • Instrument Use
  • Engine Maintenance
Cost: $2,425.00
Duration: 3 days and 2 nights, live aboard
Certification: Advanced Coastal Cruising (ASA 106)
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Private Lessons

Private Lessons For those who have specific goals in mind, we offer private lessons. This can include refreshers, targeting specific skills, shakedown cruises and deliveries. Private lessons can be arranged on our boat or yours. The lessons will be designed to meet your needs.

Cost for Private Lesson Aboard Our Boat:
$90/hr. one to three students (2-hour min.) aboard a 23ft. Sonar
$150/hr. two to three students (3-hour min.) aboard a 26ft. Pearson or 28ft. Seamaster
$200/hr. two to four students (4-hour min.) aboard a 31 ft. Pearson

Cost for Private Lesson Aboard Your Boat:
$90/hr. one to three students (4-hour min.) up to 25ft. boat
$150/hr. two to three students (4-hour min.) aboard 26-29ft. boat
$200/hr. two to four students (4-hour min.) 30ft. or larger boat
$20/hr travel time over a 30-minute drive.
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ASA Challenge

ASA Challenge For those with sailing experience, ASA offer sailors the opportunity to Challenge the Standards. You are required to pass both a written and an on-the-water practical exam without instruction. Your instructor will ask you to perform the practical skills listed in the ASA log book for the level chosen. You must receive a grade of 100% in order to take the written part of the exam. Then, if you pass the written exam with a minimum grade of 80%, you will be approved for the appropriate certificate.

Cost for ASA Challenge:
ASA 101 Challenge Test out on ASA 101 without instruction $290.00
ASA 103 Challenge Test out on ASA 103 without instruction $290.00
ASA 104 Challenge Test out on ASA 104 without instruction $420.00

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