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Sail Buzzards Bay Charter Reservation Form

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Sonar 23 - Kuršė (pronounced kurshie)

Bruce Kirby was asked to design a boat specifically to meet the requirements for a club racing one-design keelboat fleet. It had to be exciting to race, but easy to handle by sailors of all ages, strengths and skill levels. It had to be a really good day sailor, spacious and comfortable to sit in all day long. It had to be trailerable, plus easy to launch for wet or dry sailing. Plus a safe, well behaved training boat to help teach new sailors how to sail and have fun doing it. Finally, it had to have a good but uncomplicated set of class rules. And the Sonar has been greeted with enthusiasm by individuals and clubs all over the world.

Kuršė (pronounced kurshie) is a study in serendipity. We acquired her and decide to name her after a  coastal Baltic tribal woman. When I went to register her, I realized two things: one, she was Sonar hull #13; and two, most people would assume she was named curse misspelled. After three years in our fleet, she has proved to be uncursed and a lucky #13. Kuršė is a wonderfully responsive, yet forgiving, fun boat to sail.

Although Kuršė can sleep two, the cabin is more suited as a storage area, so she is available only for daysailing.

Sonar ElevationSonar Plan
Sonar ElevationSonar Plan
Sonar ‘Kurse’ at her mooringFairhaven/New Bedford harbor
Sonar ‘Kurse’ at her mooringFairhaven/New Bedford harbor
LOABeamDraftDisplacement (lbs)Ballast (lbs)Sail Area (sq ft)Designer
23’7'-10"3'-11"2,100900250Bruce Kirby
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